For batter:


0/0 steps made
  1. Whisk flour, eggs and waster with wire whisk and stream batter through a fine strainer.
  2. Heat frying pan moderately and wipe with oiled cloth.
  3. Pour little than half cup batter into the frying pan and cover the entire pan by tilting it from side to side.
  4. Cook over moderate heat till batter is set and remove on a platter.
  5. Make 12 pancakes and leave ½ cup batter for sticking edges.
For filling (24 rolls):


0/0 steps made
  1. Peel and slice all vegetables lengthwise in strips.
  2. Boil some water and pan boil carrots and turnips together.
  3. Remove from boiling water and dip in bowl of cold water and drain.
  4. In 1 cup oil fry chicken and onions for a couple of minutes.
  5. Add all vegetables and mix.
  6. Season with salt, sugar, white pepper, and soya sauce. Stir vigorously.
  7. Make a paste of cornflour and water. Add to vegetables.
  8. Stir and cook till water of vegetables is dry.
  9. Remove from fire onto plate and allow to cool.
  10. On each pancake put ½ cup filling and spread evenly on one side.
  11. On opposite edges of pancake brush a little batter.
  12. Start rolling from vegetable end.
  13. When half way, fold in sides and complete rolling.
  14. Press edges together.
  15. Fill all 12 pancakes.
  16. Heat oil till smoking and deep fry the rolls till crisp and brown.
  17. Remove and cut in pieces.