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  1. Wash the lentils thoroughly.
  2. In the pan put the lentils and add water about ½ inch above lentil’s level.
  3. Add garlic & ginger paste, turmeric, chilli powder, and onion slices.
  4. Cook covered on low heat for an hour. Make sure the lid is open slightly so that the dal does not overflow during cooking. Add more [boiling] water if it dries up.
  5. When the dal is cooked, add salt, tamarind water, green chilies, and coriander leaves.
  6. “Baghaar”: In a separate frying pan, heat oil and fry cumin and red chilies.
  7. Pour the “baghaar” into the dal. Immediately put the lid on the pan so that it doesn’t spray out of the pan.